Members of the Catalyst Advisors team attended multiple private, VC-sponsored conferences recently. It was a joy to get back to live, in-person meetings. The presentations sparked some timely ideas, and the hallway encounters led to engaging and open conversations with
Why I Chose to Join Catalyst Advisors
After more than 20 years at a large global recruiting firm, I left. I wanted to focus on clients with innovative therapeutics and work in a more collaborative corporate culture. At the big firm, there were 200-plus engagements per year
Three Insights Learned from Building Our Transatlantic Practice
The Catalyst Advisors office in Europe was opened in 2014 to develop new business for the firm on the continent and to support U.S. companies doing business in Europe. Since then, we have developed a full-scale transatlantic collaboration and fluency,
The Diversity Mindset: Thinking Outside the (Check) Box
Recruiting for diversity is not about checking a box. We see it as a strategic, forward-looking solution that positively affects culture, competitiveness, and innovation. With today’s highly competitive talent pool, recruiters need to expand their reach and look beyond the